Sharing my Voice

For many months now I have been thinking about bringing this Blog to life. Since going back to Corporate and working full-time last August I have missed sharing my voice.

This then got me pondering as to the voice I actually have and it dawned on me that my voice is always evolving and through the practice of writing I have the opportunity to let it speak however it chooses to at any given moment.

We know that life is a rich tapestry of our life experiences and now that I have five decades of wisdom to tap into, I long to share, explore and reflect on who I have been, who I am right now, and who I am becoming. And I have come to realise that sharing these words publicly with the world has its own kind of power.

I have been journaling on and off for many years now but I tend to turn to these pages when I seek guidance and even to simply vent. It’s a different kind of writing for me, a stream of consciousness very different from the words that come out of me when I type into a computer, whether that be a social media post or a blog post like this. This is why I decided to bring my website back to life as a Blog. I can choose to write the words that are often swirling around in my mind and heart, share what I have been learning and document it along the way.

It’s an outlet for my creativity to bloom, a form of self-expression and self-inquiry.

The wonderful thing is now, it doesn’t have to lead to anything. I’m not selling any services, I’m not trying to promote anything, I’m simply sharing my voice when I feel intuitively called to with no attachment to any outcome other than hitting publish.

This feels liberating and exciting.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Much love, Sarah xxx


Daily Devotions